We accompany people and organisations on their way into a new paradigm of intrinsic, self-responsible and lifelong learning.
Thank you Artificial Intelligence for brewing a short English version of our German website content here.

At Intrinsic we are passionate about reimagining education for a brighter, more sustainable world. Our mission is clear: to empower individuals and organisations with the tools, mindset, and skills for intrinsic, self-directed, and lifelong learning, that advances the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our motto is «We learn to learn.»
With a focus on schools, organisations, and society, Intrinsic is driving a revolution in education. We believe that nurturing a culture of curiosity, innovation, and collaboration is essential to address the challenges of the 21st century.
We are convinced that now more than ever, we need competencies and potential to develop sustainable learning cultures and thrive in the culture of digitalization.
Join us on this transformative journey as we reshape the way we learn, teach, and thrive in a rapidly changing world. Together, we can create a future where education knows no boundaries and where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential.
What we do
In Schools
«Learning Guide» Training
We define the role of the teacher of the future and offer an innovative education where students are both learners and researchers. Theory and practice merge in a unique program supported by current scientific insights.
«Plan L»
A support program for new teachers that reduces uncertainties and sharpens competencies. The goal is to equip aspiring teachers with self-confidence.
Co-Learning Lab: A network-based learning offering for school classes that emphasizes project work and Future Skills such as collaboration, communication, and creativity. Students strengthen their self-image in STEM subjects and develop key competencies.
What we do
In Organisations
We support the development of a positive learning culture in businesses by offering tailored interventions, learning journeys, and co-creation of learning cultures.
«Learning Journeys»
We design individualized learning journeys that promote intrinsic and self-directed learning and integrate strategic corporate goals.
Preparation Year for Apprenticeships / 10th School Year
Adolescents are prepared for an apprenticeship in a Migros company to provide them with the necessary time and support.
CAS Edupreneur & Learning Design
A program in collaboration with the HWZ University of Applied Sciences in Zurich that equips edupreneurs with the tools and mindset to implement innovative ideas in the education sector.
Intrinsic also engages in workshops, presentations, online panels, podcasts, and school development projects.
«Disco» means: I'm learning!
The first Intrinsic students received a disco ball when they started their studies in 2019: symbolic of their multifaceted skills and potential, mirroring each other and shining together. Disco balls need light and backgrounds to create glittering visibility and resonance. They have never let go of us. At many workshops and keynotes outside Intrinsic, the disco ball is our haptic legacy as a friendly reminder of what "disco" means and how we interpret it.
Disco comes from the Latin «discere»: to learn. One of the most popular metaphorical narratives, because it sets the scene for the ideal learning process, is this one:n Lernprozess in Szene setzt, ist dieses:
«Learning can be a light-footed dance to well-mixed music in a beautiful setting with other people who have their own dance style and different favorite songs. Learning can be fun and bring joyful achievement to light.»